Monday, April 14, 2008


Ice is the word of the day today. Just so happens it was the word of the day yesterday also and will most certainly be the word of the day tomorrow. Why? Well, the day after my spectacular high speed dismount I awoke scratching my head wondering what the hell had happened to the right side of my torso. Had I been hit by a truck? Was I slammed by a ram? Did I fall from the 3rd story of a building? Guess I was distracted by all that red liquidy stuff after the race enough to make me over look the fact that I had done some serious whacking to my torso. Oh well, I've got 2 days to get things all straightened out before Rhone Alpes Isere Tour and I'm taking the fact that I managed to pull it together for 8th place on Sunday's road race as a sign that everything is going to play out in my favor. However, until Rhone Alpes.... ice, ice, ice.

Another thing I have going in my favor is the fact that I have rediscovered my bandage changing song. I know it sounds weird but a few years ago I discovered that the usually silent pain of cleaning wounds and changing bandages is much more tolerable while rocking out and occasionally playing naked air guitar. My long time favorite bandage cleaning song: Holy Diver by Dio. Why is this at the top of the list? If only I knew....


1 comment:

Nikki said...

You are strange young man! -but I'm enjoying the posts so remain you! LOL. Thank you for putting the Vanilla Ice song in my head this afternoon, its a treat. Wait you were like 2 or 3 so maybe you didn't intend to torture. :-)

I read about your meeting with pavement over the weekend and was sorry to hear. Maybe you can borrow Farrar's video for vergabe release? Hang in there and try to recover the best you can.